Sunday, January 23, 2011

blue sky at metropolitan

Hehehe mengunjungi tempat wisata yang mungkin sudah dilupakan sama warga jakarta, apalagi anak,i will always love visiting TMII and Monas ^_^

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No Mercy!!

the picture was taken from here

What would you do if someone hurt and humiliate you? whether you will accept it or reply? it depends,right? depending on who is hurt you, depending on how much you hurt, and depending on what you feel about him/her.
For me, what happened today, really makes me feel really humiliated and outcast, and I was very angry until now. I think I'd love to write back and make him/her suffer, but astaghfirullahal'adzim..No, I would not do the things that already exist in my head.
Ya Allah..give me a very high patience to deal with all this, give me a way out and the strength to face all these, amin..
But, I will do something for this, no, I can not stay silent.


the picture was taken from here

'Dah 2011, banyak yang berubah tapi ada juga yang masih sama hmmm let's write..what's next??

1. Khatam Al-Qur'an minimal 3x
2. Fokus ngembangin Djembatan Production
3. Travelling minimal 27 destination
4. Launching butik di Tangerang
5. Kuliah lagi
6. Umroh sama mama
7. Saving for my first house
8. Back to gym, yoga and pilates
9. Perdalam fotografi
10. Santai menjalani hidup tapi tetap fokus sama tujuan
11. Smile

Monday, January 3, 2011

Kaleidoskop 2010

The picture was taken from here

Terlalu banyak ujian kehidupan, everything was so unpredictable, all have made me surprised and my weight dropped dramatically ^^ and i'm single now "WOW"
Organized new project with some of friends..and TA DA.... "Djembatan Production, Talent Management and Event Organizer"

I've got my first car ^^ All new Honda Jazz B 1678 CFK ^^ look at the number, amazing smua naik dari kecil ke besar, i'm so lucky

Banyak berkah dan rezeki ^^ Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT menjawab semua keinginanku berupa benda2, a new macbook, a new canon eos 500d, a new ipod..Alhamdulillah

For the first time, merasa benar2 mempunyai keluarga besar yang utuh, smua berkumpul dan berbahagia..Alhadulillah, Iedul Fitri tahun ini sungguh sangat luar biasa ^^

Found a new spirit, a new life, a new hope, a new love, a new me Alhamdulillah Allah SWT selalu punya cara untuk memberikan kebangkitan dan kebahagiaan untuk hambaNya ^^

The hardest month of the year..aku lebih mencintai keluargaku dari pada cinta yang tak pernah peduli-menghargai-tulus dan lembut

PT.Putra Giri Manis has been launched..^^ really proud of you Dad

Moved to Tangerang, after 7 years never stayed there more than 3 days..rindu suasana rumah dan tangerang yang gersang ^^ Alhamdulillah


I have been able to sew and design

25th years old ^^ the private party with all my best friends, really made my whole month