Saturday, November 20, 2010

Really miss my girls,NOW :p

review my besties 'cause i really miss my girls so much...

Left,Indah Survyana (she's in Cepu now work as PNS,sometimes we still like to meet, once a month, and she will get married early next year)..Middle,Farah Diba (she's in germany right now to take a master's degree in nursing)

left, Adriani Ertha (she's a wedding singer and nomaden,really hard to meet her *sigh*,sometimes we just catch up via sms), right,Pradanayanti Manggiasih (a music teacher,she's in depok right now but why it's really hard for us to meet? FYI tangerang-depok=3 hours haha)

left, Ayu anggreini (she's work in Padang now *far far away hehe*,hopefully i can meet her there next month), right, Diah Riyati (she's in town,actually Jakarta hehe,we still catch up sometimes,but i miss here so bad right now)

left, Elinda (she's in Puncak right now,training for her new job,my neighbor n bestie too), middle, Stella tahapary (she's just married last month,and lived in Bintaro now), right, Thenni Kristiani (super duper busy than 3 of us,very rarely to see her especially now she is busy preparing for her wedding next year)

And how 'bout me? hehehe i'm really busy at my father's company and preparing my 3 new project business hahaha
so? when i would meet them...
as soon as possible ^-^
Big kiss and hug for Indah,Farah,Rani,Anna,Elinda,Ella,Thenni,Anyu,Dee

Friday, November 12, 2010

everything's happen for a reason

Aku telah belajar bahwa aku bertanggung jawab terhadap hidup dan kebahagiaanku sendiri. Ketika aku memusatkan hidupku pada orang lain dan mencoba membangun hidup dan kebahagiaanku di sekitar orang ini,aku sesungguhnya tak lagi hidup. Agar bisa hidup dengan benar aku harus membiarkan ruh di dalam diriku bebas dan bergembira di dalam keunikannya. Di dalam keadaan inilah cinta orang lain akan menjadi kebahagiaan dan bukan sesuatu yang membuat kita takut kehilangan.

Aku sangat terinspirasi dengan sepenggal paragraf di dalam salah satu cerita dari buku Chicken Soup For The Woman Soul..2010 adalah tahun yg sangat penuh cerita dan pembelajaran,salah satunya "L.O.V.E" rasa yang begitu sangat mencintai dan takut kehilangan membuatku "buta" untuk melihat-merasakan apa yg terjadi disekelilingku, cinta menjadi sesuatu di atas segalanya sehingga tanpa aku sadari aku telah menyakiti banyak orang dan diriku sendiri *sigh* alhamdulillah aku sadar sebelum semuanya terlambat, Allah SWT memang maha adil dan maha baik ^-^ "everything's happen for a reason" smua kejadian pasti ada hikmah yang mengiringinya..itu yg aku rasakan dan alami skrg,smua keberkahan yg ku terima sekarang dan kedepan sangat sepadan dengan sakit hati luar biasa yg ku rasakan saat dikhianati dan kehilangan :)
Dan mengutip lagu Moving On by.Andien.."ku yakin cinta kan datang padaku lagi" dan itu akan menjadi kebahagiaan dan bukan sesuatu yang akan membuatku takut kehilangan ^-^

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

hablum minallah

Human relationship with God (Hablum Minallah).. Can we, as a third party intervenes in human relationships with God? for example remind or forcing someone to pray. Some people aren't problematic to be reminded to pray because they knew that is an obligation, but what about some people who objected to be reminded? I think as fellow Muslims we must remind others to pray, He did it or not our duty is only to remind, the rest is His matter with God.

the picture was taken from here

beautifully black

Irna Mutiara a.k.a Irna La Perle my favorite moslemah designer

my most favorite dress by Irna La Perle

with Dian Pelangi, the gorgeous designer

me with Bonny Fuchia Shop for dress, Charles&Keith for Bag and Shoe

Monday, November 8, 2010


"Apa yang berasal dari hati selalu menyentuh hati"
inspired by B 'cause h*s sincerity


i just got the invitation to Moslem Wear fashion show at Jakarta Fashion Week for tomorrow. I actually also got invitations to some fashion show there, but the show is the most I'm waiting for tomorrow's event because there is a collection from Irna La Perle (Irna Mutiara)..I really admire her works especially for Moslemah wedding dress ^-^

So, I will report and upload the results of tomorrow's fashion show :) nighty night

Sunday, November 7, 2010

black and creamy

wooohhooo, finally met my high school best friends after 7 years ^_^ although not all members of the "club" came, it was still really fun..most people tells that the most effective reunian for the first time is when there is a marriage, that's really true, and thanks to Stella-Nugraha for the marriage hehehe. after 7 years,my home became a "basecamp" again ^_* (the last destination after the long day journey) really miss it..

me with the simple girly casual
from online butik for the dress and Charles&Keith for the hand bag

first Stella's wedd reception at Aula Polda Metro Jaya on October, 23th 2010
very happy 'cause REST (Retno,Elinda,Stella,Thenni) is back

the happy couple and us (REST minus Thenni)

Sheilia, Irwan, Aris, Me, Elynda
big meals after 6 pm

SoV, Me, Elynda with our third meal hahaha

the happiest "couple" too hahaha